Bash/Shell Tips
Remove Some Files But Not All
Shell Pattern (glob
and extglob
- Basic Glob
: one char;*
: any number of chars;[..]
: one of the charREMARK: Very limited, trying to figure out the right pattern might be even harder and more time consuming than the toolchain method (see below).
Need to turn on this feature:
shopt -s extglob
: anything that doesn't match patterns
Use extra tools
One example: ls | grep ... | xargs rm
Multiple Pipes
Common Grep Buffer Issue
Use --line-buffered
, a GNU grep extension.
- Example
adb shell 'getevent /dev/input/event4' | grep --line-buffered "0003 0019" | tee tmp.txt
Other Stdout Buffer Issue
Use complex while-read-line
- Example
tail -f logfile | while read line ; do echo "$line"| grep 'org.springframework'|cut -c 25- ; done
Label output lines with time stamps
NOTE: you may need to deal with buffer issues, refer to Multiple Pipes.
- Example
The following timestamp the distance sensor's output.
The core is the following one-line
. You can changetime
, if you want prettier time format.perl -ne '$|=1; print "[" . time . "]" . ": $_"'
adb shell 'getevent /dev/input/event4' \ | grep --line-buffered "0003 0019" \ | perl -ne '$|=1; print "[" . time . "]" . ": $_"' # relative time, the start of recording is the time zero. adb logcat | perl -ne \ '$|=1; $start = time unless $start; print "[" . (time - $start) . "]" . ": $_"'
Cope with Line Ending
The moral is to raise the awareness of this issue rather than the specific solution.
If the underlying shell returns strings delimited by CRLF
then the usual shell
commands like below will fail.
for ko in $(adb shell ls /system/lib/modules); adb pull "/system/lib/modules/$ko" ; done
As $(...)
only removes Unix-style line ending, '\r' will be part of the string
which leads to "does not exist" error.
Remove the '\r' part. The simplest way to do this is using `sed'.
for ko in $(adb shell ls /system/lib/modules | sed 's|\r|\n|'); do adb pull /system/lib/modules/$ko; done
You are also welcome to use utility like dos2unix
Here string
awk '/^\/dev/ {print $1}' <<<"$(df /usr/bin/hexdump)" # <=> df /usr/bin/hexdump | awk '/^\/dev/ {print $1}'
Double Pipeline followed by a colon
Example let argc++ || :
- colon means a
operation, i.e. does nothing.Useful for clearing return or error status.
- This idiom says: ignores the error from the first part of OR statement.