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Without referring to GObject documentation or any online posts For the record, I can not claim I have never been exposed to GObject materials. The best I can say is that I haven’t systematically learnt GObject., understand just enough knowledge about GObject for the purpose of reading related code. The process is question-driven and code-inspired.

Reading code is essentially an activity in which readers trace the control flow (i.e. function calls), state transitions (i.e. variable values) from interested points Say the point where an error in the log is printed. Or main function, public API entries and etc. to a point where readers claim sufficient understanding is attained Say points where a bug has been identified or mis-configured environment has been confirmed..

To understand GObject for reading code is to be able to trace method calls, property changes. This is a problem for GObject because some C tricks (most are intricate macros) are employed to implement some OOP features and they are not at all obvious. Further, for the purpose of reading GObject code, I do not need to understand how the macro magic work.

For the Impatience

This section was added after the main body was finished. The whole argument below is quite lengthy and murky. Maybe it’s better to summarize what I’ve learnt through the process beforehand.

The procedure I would form with this just enough GObject knowledge is as follows:

Look for class hierarchical info through file dependencies (includes), and parent_XXX members. Locate the exact method used in the polymorphism by looking at explicit reference of the real class type, usually this happens in the abstract, parent class. As instantiation is poorly comprehended, state changes (updates to variable member) can be hard to track. Pay special attention to naming, signals and callbacks. Overall, with the OOP experience from other languages as direction, naming as hints, take bold jumps of faith to form a useful understanding.

Explain the Terms

Question Driven

question-driven is to start with questions about GObject. Being an OO implementation for C, basically we’re asking about how Object-Oriented features are achieved in GObject:

  1. Where&How a class is defined?
  2. How the class inheritance is defined?
  3. What are the common implicit members?
  4. How an instance is new-ed?
  5. How polymorphism is implemented? (or how this pointer is understood.)
  6. What are those signals?

Code Inspired

Read GObject code directly and use the code snippet to figure out answers to above questions.

In the following, I’m using code from gnome-session-3.20.2 as example.

Just Enough GObject

Where&How a class is defined?

Where is relatively simple as Class is meant for reuse and thus the declaration must be some headers.

Technically, we should be looking at the block between G_BEGIN_DECLS and G_END_DECLS. However these two are not helpful in identifying the class we’re interested in. Together with boilerplates like GSM_TYPE_APP, GSM_APP_CLASS and etc., these are intuitively understood as the GObject magic and should be skimmed over when reading the code.

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-app.h
typedef struct _GsmApp        GsmApp;
typedef struct _GsmAppClass   GsmAppClass;
typedef struct _GsmAppPrivate GsmAppPrivate;

Even from above, the verbosity of Object in C is obvious. Class and its Instance have their separate types. Data Hiding is achieved by explicitly putting internal details into a XXXPrivate type.

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-app.h
struct _GsmApp
        GObject        parent;
        GsmAppPrivate *priv;

struct _GsmAppClass
        GObjectClass parent_class;

        /* signals */
        void        (*exited)       (GsmApp *app,
                                     guchar  exit_code);
        // ... more

        /* virtual methods */
        gboolean    (*impl_start)                     (GsmApp     *app,
                                                       GError    **error);
        // ... many more
        gboolean    (*impl_is_conditionally_disabled) (GsmApp     *app);

// ...
gboolean         gsm_app_start                          (GsmApp     *app,
                                                         GError    **error);
// ...
gboolean         gsm_app_peek_is_conditionally_disabled (GsmApp     *app);
// ...

As priv of type GsmAppPrivate * is only a member of _GsmApp, XXXPrivate must be a collection of state variables for instances. The naming parent_class and parent member has suggested that they are what marks the inheritance relationship.

Two things are of more considerations: the “virtual methods” comment and consistent naming of functions following the _GsmAppClass declaration. Intuitively, I thought methods of an object are pointers to functions. Later, we’ll see it turns out that methods are mere functions with the first argument being the object itself. Maybe this is a way to avoid duplications. Or more importantly, it’s so because of the lack of auto this pointer for methods in C. Indeed, obj->method(obj, arg1, arg2) feels more verbose and confusing than type_method(obj, arg1, arg2) as in the former the term obj shows up twice.

How is the class inheritance defined?

As seen above, the parent and parent_class are what define the inheritance relationship among classes. Since the C has no awareness of class and objects, there is no easy UML diagram to be drawn. However, by inspecting the dependencies (include/includeby) within the source, we can still easily see this relationship in graph as this diagram show. Another interesting point revealed in the diagram is the empty dependency from gsm-app to gsm-client, i.e. gsm-client.h is included in gsm-app.h but nothing is used from gsm-client.h. Though this might be a mere historical residual, it suggests some connection between client and app. Indeed, app once started is a client. (And there can be more interconnections.)

From the dependency graph, we see clearly that gsm-autostart-app is a subclass of gsm-app, which is also shown in the code:

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-autostart-app.h
struct _GsmAutostartApp
        GsmApp parent;

        GsmAutostartAppPrivate *priv;

struct _GsmAutostartAppClass
        GsmAppClass parent_class;

        /* signals */
        void     (*condition_changed)  (GsmApp  *app,
                                        gboolean condition);

What are the common implicit members?

By implicit, I mean members and methods created, used by the GObject macro magic. They show up naturally when we trace some GObject functions and find their declarations/usages are nowhere within the source tree. XXX_init, XXX_contructor, XXX_dispose are most noticed ones. Though it’s relatively easy to pick these magic elements out, it proved to be hard to see the exact interconnections between them.

How an instance is new-ed?

The arguments made in this section is much less plausible than others. It turned out to be quite hard to formalize the guesswork done during the analysis. Nevertheless, to complete the project of this post, I proceeded to write out my thoughts, with best efforts.

The instantiation of objects turns out to be a hard procedure to get to the exact details. Much of the difficulty stems from the mystical interactions among implicit members. However, with some jumps (hypothesis), we might still be able to to understand the code.

First, we notice many methods impl_XXX of gsm-app is set to NULL. With the lack of new-ish functions, let’s assume gsm-app is abstract and can not have any instances.

Second, let’s turn to gsm-autostart-app. There is gsm_autostart_app_new, which seems to be the only generator of gsm-autostart-app externally.

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-manager.c
static gboolean
add_autostart_app_internal (GsmManager *manager,
                            const char *path,
                            const char *provides,
                            gboolean    is_required)
        GsmApp  *app;
        // ...

        app = gsm_autostart_app_new (path, &error);
        // ...

Third, the implementation of gsm_autostart_app_new looks bizarre for our untrained eyes.

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-autostart-app.c
GsmApp *
gsm_autostart_app_new (const char *desktop_file,
                       GError    **error)
        return (GsmApp*) g_initable_new (GSM_TYPE_AUTOSTART_APP, NULL, error,
                                         "desktop-filename", desktop_file,

The doc on g_initable_new says something about “failable object initialization”. The declaration of the function itself looks like:

 * https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GInitable.html#g-initable-new
g_initable_new (GType object_type,
                GCancellable *cancellable,
                GError **error,
                const gchar *first_property_name,
// The '...' means that the value if the first property, followed by and other
// property value pairs, and ended by NULL. 

The ending varargs of key-value pairs are of particular interests. The following gsm_autostart_app_initable_init has already started to use desktop-filename property.

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-autostart-app.c
static gboolean
gsm_autostart_app_initable_init (GInitable *initable,
                                 GCancellable *cancellable,
                                 GError  **error)
        GsmAutostartApp *app = GSM_AUTOSTART_APP (initable);

        g_assert (app->priv->desktop_filename != NULL);
        app->priv->app_info = g_desktop_app_info_new_from_filename (app->priv->desktop_filename);
        // ...

Where the property desktop-filename is installed:

gsm_autostart_app_class_init (GsmAutostartAppClass *klass)
        GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
        // ...

        g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
                                         g_param_spec_string ("desktop-filename",
                                                              "Desktop filename",
                                                              "Freedesktop .desktop file",
                                                              G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT));
        // ...

I’ve assumed desktop-filename is the same as app->priv->desktop_filename. From these, it’s reasonable to say g_initable_new call above is the very call that instantializes an object.

Finally, Similar arguments can also be made about other parts of the instantiation process. From the various function names and comparison with similar functions in gsm-app, the educated guess we can have about the instantiation process is as follows:

  1. XXX_new is the method to start instantializing an object. It’s likely there are other types of new offered by GObject other than g_initable_new.
  2. XXX_class_init will get called if the class data have not initialized. This may happen only once as all instance share the same class data.
  3. XXX_constructor, XXX_init will get called after XXX_class_init.

How polymorphism is implemented?

This is already shown in previous code snippets. In short, polymorphism is achieved explicitly with boilerplate code.

Take method impl_start as example.

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-app.h
struct _GsmAppClass
        // ...

        /* virtual methods */
        gboolean    (*impl_start)                     (GsmApp     *app,
                                                       GError    **error);
        // ...

// ...
gboolean         gsm_app_start                          (GsmApp     *app,
                                                         GError    **error);
// ...

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-app.c
static void
gsm_app_class_init (GsmAppClass *klass)
        // ...

        klass->impl_start = NULL;
        // ...

gsm_app_start (GsmApp  *app,
               GError **error)
        g_debug ("Starting app: %s", app->priv->id);
        return GSM_APP_GET_CLASS (app)->impl_start (app, error);

The definition of gsm_app_start shows the explicit reference to the real class of app using GSM_APP_GET_CLASS macro. gsm-app is abstract and have impl_start as NULL. And for gsm-autostart-app, it indeed sets its own impl_start :

 * SP2_GNOME_SESSION:/gnome-session/gsm-autostart-app.c
static void
gsm_autostart_app_class_init (GsmAutostartAppClass *klass)
        GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
        GsmAppClass  *app_class = GSM_APP_CLASS (klass);

        // ...
        app_class->impl_start = gsm_autostart_app_start;
        // ...

So the public API for consumers of gsm-XXX-app is gsm_app_start and this can be verified by looking up its references within the source tree.

What are those signals?

This is a question we can ask only after reading the code.

From above snippets, we’ve seen a lot of signal declaration, which is not typical among other OOP languages. For the purpose of understanding, most of time they are no different than other event-driven pattern, and can be handled as such safely. We only need to pay attention to property names, callbacks and etc, just like the above desktop-filename.

After Thoughts

While writing down the above process, I frequently doubted the usefulness of doing them at all. Whatever the little understanding I claim to achieve above is abysmal compared to what I would have gained in, say 2 hours of, reading GObject documentation. However, I still completed the post for two reasons:

  1. The guesswork process, inaccurate as it is, is very typical for code reading. And we’re usually not that fortunate to have a well-polished documentation as that of GObject. Forming the gut feelings in the guess has proved to be arduous but fruitful.
  2. The possible enlightenment I’ll have when I learn GObject systematically. The reward might be some great revelation about the guesswork process that can improve my code reading skill a lot.

Comment: Github Issue