Quotes and notes from book ~Colin F. Barnes~ Code Breakers: Alpha.

When reading on Kindle, various highlightings and notes are accreted. These “Readings: XXX” series are my note recordings. As an English learner, some notes appeal to me for their mere language values and might not be related to the content of the book ;P. Might be better to have separate repo for these notes


… the Dome – before City Earth.

A pairs of brass-rimmed goggles with darkened lenses appeared in the gap. They gave the fragile girl wearing them the countenance of a nervous lemur.

… so – the words escaped him.

… the electric motors whined up to speed.

“… I don’t think this Jasper is the wet-behind-ears kid you think he is. That dude’s got some serious game face. He knows what’s going down.”

Ahead of him bright light reduced his pupils to dues specks.

… her slow veins showed through like blue string.

Beth blushes further, turning her face away with all the subtle coyness of a vixen in heat. Twirling a length of auburn hair around her perfectly manicured finger, she bites her lip.

Petal smiled and shook her head. “You just like her bouncing tits.”

“What? No! That’s not what I–”

“Chill, Gez, I’m just yanking your chain.”

“Having a heart gets ya killed, boy.”

“Don’t boy me, old man…”

The lights came on, blinding Gerry so that all he could see were the fine blood vessels backlit in his eyelids

… the laser beams – illuminated by the rakish angle of the sun and the dusty particulate in the air.

Gabe’s eyebrows knitted together with incredulity.

“… Trust is a two-way street, and I only travel one way.”

“… a number of buildings appeared on the horizon: skyscrapers and many others in all kinds of sizes and shapes stood in the fog like grey fungi.”

Sitting made a bright flare explode in his vision.

He stood and waited for his balance to re-calibrate.

… rippling with muscles beneath his dark form-fitting clothes, …

“… I’ll patch in.”

He admonished himself for being so neglectful.

The heat of the shot boiled the blood so that a red mist fell upon the slumped body.

AO – augmented overlay.

Jachz blinked once and became still; so still that Gerry had a strange idea he might have perhaps crashed and was in need of a reboot.

“I can’t answer that, as I know not what I miss. One cannot wish for something one does not know or understand.”

Comment: Github Issue